The Posts include tag:Telegram
Telegram has become the new dark web for cybercriminals and the most popular chat program on the dark web
Part of the reason cybercriminals are transitioning from the dark web to Telegram is the anonymity offered by the encrypted chat tool, with links to Telegram groups or channels shared within dark web forums jumping from 172,035 the previous year to more than 1 million by 2021. -
Beware of scammers on the dark web and in Telegram groups (II)
"ODN(" once again uses the case of the "Onion666 Dark Web Directory Group" (@onion666666) as a warning to those who want to explore the dark web and Telegram groups. -
Beware of scammers on the dark web and in Telegram groups (I)
"ODN(" uses the case of a user of the "Under the Dark Web Official Telegram Group" (@anwangxia) who was scammed as a warning to those who want to explore the dark web and Telegram groups!
\can any one tell me what are some trusted venders
Commented on Dark Web Anti-Fraud: Exposing Fraudulent Sites on the Dark Web, the Deceptive Dark Web Market “DeepMarket”